TEDDY Presentations

Scientific Meeting and General Assembly
The paediatric theme in the forthcoming clinical research scenario

19th December, 2016

Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome


The experience of ISS – Italian Institute for Health in the European Research Infrastructures scenario

G. Migliaccio, EATRIS Scientific Director

The new clinical trials regulation to improve the clinical research in Europe: the ECRIN contribution

J. Demotes, ECRIN General Director

Paediatric clinical trials: challenges and opportunities The contribution of PedCRIN

M. Turner, EnprEMA Chair

The paediatric theme in the forthcoming clinical research scenario

C. Giaquinto, GRiP-PENTA

Prioritising drug development for children with rheumatologic diseases
The Paediatric Rheumatology InterNational Trials Organization (PRINTO) perspective

N. Ruperto, PRINTO

Experience from the DEEP trial

P. Telfer, DEEP

Dose rationale and innovative study designs in paediatric drug development

O. Della Pasqua (Dose selection and innovative study design)

HTA and Patient Registries

F. Bonifazi (HTA and disease Registries)

Pediatric CIC Network 2000-2016

E. Jacqz-Aigrain (INSERM, France)

Spanish Paediatric Clinical Trials Network (RECLIP)

F. Martinon (RECLIP, Spain)

Albanian network for clinical paediatric trials

A. Godo (Albania)

Paediatric clinical trials in Poland – Future Polish Network

M. Migdal (Poland)

TEDDY EPMD 2016 Report

M. Felisi (Italy)

The TEDDY Working Group on Off Label Use in Paediatrics: current status and next actions

S. de Wildt, TEDDY GOLUP Working Group coordinator

The TEDDY survey to identify paediatric trials competences and capacities at site level

L. Ruggieri, TEDDY Network Scientific Secretariat

TEDDY Inventory of procedures for obtaining Paediatric Clinical Trials approvals

C. Manfredi, TEDDY Network

TEDDY contribution to ENCePP – European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance

K. Verhamme, TEDDY representative in ENCePP, via Teleconference


Paediatric Clinical Trials sustainability in the framework of the Paediatric Regulation

M. Mellado (Spain)


Paediatric Clinical Trials sustainability in the framework of the Paediatric Regulation

M. Migdal (Poland)