TEDDY Scientific activities and tools
M. Felisi
Paediatric applications of ATMP
G. Migliaccio
Off-label use in paediatrics
L. Ruggeri
Young Patients Advocacy Groups activities
KIDS Bari group representatives
KIDS Albania group representatives
WG Health Data Plan of Action
F. Bonifazi
RESTORE: the wider community engagement in the definition of a European large-scale research initiative on Advanced Therapies
S. Benvenuti
Procedures for the set up and management of paediatric trials in the PedCRIN project
C. Manfredi
DEEP project: focus on paediatric patients’ empowerment
M. Kreka
Young patients’ engagement in the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases – EJPRD
M. Lupo
Authorised Paediatric Clinical Trials in Spain
M. J. Fernández Cortizo
Impact of the Spanish HIV HGM BioBank in the pediatric research
M. Á. Muñoz Fernández
Cell and advanced therapies for children with cancer
A. Pérez Martínez