Pharmaceuticals – safe and affordable medicines (new EU strategy)

Pharmaceuticals – safe and affordable medicines (new EU strategy)

The European Commission is launching a new strategy to improve and accelerate patients’ access to safe and affordable medicines and to support innovation in the EU pharmaceutical industry, addressing mainly:

  • the life cycle of medicines from R&D to authorisation and patient access
  • how to put scientific and technological advances into practice
  • how to fill market gaps (e.g. new antimicrobials)
  • lessons learnt from COVID-19 on how to better prepare for future pandemics

With the aim to meet the needs of all the stakeholders, EC opened a Public Consultation action to which Members of the public, stakeholders and organisations are welcome to contribute and provide their suggestions about EU plan to guarantee equal access to safe, innovative and affordable therapies and overcome the current issues of access, availability and affordability of medicines, still promoting sustainable innovation and support EU industry

TEDDY intends to participate to the Consultation underlining the necessity to stress new adequate health policies and actions promoting the development and the access to safe and efficacious medicines specific for children.

It is possible to participate to the Public Consultation until 15 September 2020 by filling in the online questionnaire available at this link.

June 26th, 2020|